Ballinascreen Credit Union
Credit Union and your personal information
From 25th May 2018 new rules will govern how we collect, use and store your personal information.
Why we use your personal information:
In order to offer you the services of a credit union such as loans, savings and draws, we are required by the Central Bank, and laws such as the Credit Union Act from 1997, to gather essential information to help identify you and keep your money safe. This information includes your name, address, PPSN number as well as other information such as a photograph.
Sharing your information:
We do not share your information with anyone unless we are required to do so by law, for example when a crime is committed. If we employee a company to process information for the Credit Union, such as printers or our computer support company, this is only done under contract and we are careful to take steps to protect your information. This is why we sometimes ask you for proof of ID.
Data Security:
All personal information provided by you is securely stored using controls to limit who can access it. Whether on paper or on our computer systems, we use tools such as encryption, CCTV, alarms and locks to keep it safe. Staff members also receive regular training to help protect your information.
Data Retention:
The Credit Union will keep the information you have provided only for as long as it is necessary to carry out the functions we provide to members. The length of time is based upon legal obligations that the Credit Union must adhere to, best practice and what are called the legitimate needs of the Credit Union. We aim to hold it for as short a time as possible before securely destroying it.
We use CCTV to protect the well-being of our staff & visitors to our premises while protecting against fraud. It operates 24 hours a day inside and outside the building. We use signs to let you know it is in use.
You are free to ask what information of yours we have, where we got it from, and how we use it including how long we keep it for. We will also tell you whether we have shared it with anyone and why as well as providing you with a copy. All we need is that you fill in a short form at the counter or write to us at the address below and we will provide you with your information within a month.
More information:
For more details about what we do with your information and your rights please ask to see our detailed Data Protection Notice at the counter or see it on our website. You can always ask to speak with our Data Protection Officer who is also here to help you.
If you are unhappy:
If you think we have done something wrong you can either write to the Credit Union’s Data Protection Officer at the address below or contact the staff at the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner who are there to defend your rights. Their website spells out these rights in full.